BCG Model
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BCG Model is a stable and sustainable economic development. to develop the economy in 3 areas at the same time, namely Bioeconomy that focuses on the use of biological resources to create added value. Emphasis is placed on the development of high-value products connected to a circular economy that takes into account the use of various materials as much as possible, and both of these economies are under the Green Economy, which is economic development. that does not focus only on economic development but must be developed in parallel with social development and environmental preservation in a balanced manner for stability and sustainability at the same time using the advantages that Thailand has from biodiversity and culture cause an opportunity Increase competitiveness through innovation To create a growing BCG economy that is competitive on a global scale resulting in the distribution of income into the community reduce inequality strong community It is environmentally friendly and sustainable development.
EEC organized a webinar (Webinar) Thai- German Business Forum: Strategic Partnership on BCG Economy in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) of Thailand organized by the Consulate-General in Frankfurt in collaboration with German Chambers. ASEAN Business Council to attract investors and provide project progress information and create investment opportunities in the circular economy in the Eastern Special Development Zone (EEC) for interested German investors and private sectors. Mr. Suwaphong Sirisorn, Consul-General of Thailand to Frankfurt and Mr. Stefan Messer, President of the German Business Confederation of Asia-Pacific (OAV) attended the opening remarks. Along with representatives from the government and private sectors in Thailand and Germany as speakers, such as the Office of the Board of Investment (BOI), PTT Global Chemical Company Limited, SCG Plastics Company Limited, Creation Company Limited, TÜV SÜD Company ( Thailand) Ltd. and Lorenz & Partners Co., Ltd.
In this regard, the Deputy Secretary-General presented additional investment opportunities. Bio-Economic Development circular economy and green economy (BCG Model) in the EEC area Under 4 target industry groups: (1) Health (2) Digital (3) Decarbonization which covers modern vehicles related to Smart Mobility technology and (4) logistics connected with the concept of Green and Circular Economy by emphasizing the potential of the EEC area. To move towards a net zero carbon emission area in the industrial sector, such as basic projects to support green industry investment. Smart City development, as well as investment promotion policies in the EEC industry The group of attendees attended the seminar with more than 93 people from Germany. united kingdom Switzerland, Australia and Singapore